Ανησυχία στην Ισπανία: Εθεάθη λευκός καρχαρίας 5 μέτρων ανοικτά της Μαγιόρκα

Ένας μεγάλος λευκός καρχαρίας εθεάθη σε θαλάσσιο πάρκο στις Βαλεαρίδες νήσους, μόλις έξι ναυτικά μίλια ανοικτά της Μαγιόρκα στη δυτική Μεσόγειο. Είναι η πρώτη φορά που εντοπίζεται καρχαρίας τέτοιου είδους στα ισπανικά ύδατα από το 1976.

We witnessed a historical sighting of a Great White Shark in the Balearic Sea! This morning at 10 am, the crew of Alnitak’s scientific expedition, led by marine biologist Ricardo Sagarminaga von Buiten and documented by ORCA-Films director Fernando Lopez-Mirones, spotted a 5 metre long Great White shark 8 miles from Isla de Cabrera. It remained in sight for 70 minutes in the waters of the Parque Nacional del Archipélago de Cabrera of Spain’s Balearic Islands. Over the years there have been unconfirmed sightings and rumours, but this is the first scientific confirmation of the presence of Carcharodon in Spanish waters for at least 30 years. On this occasion, this historic sighting was photographed, filmed and witnessed by a crew of 10 people from five countries, this morning on board the Töftevaag research ketch! What a beautiful sight! Sharks are essential parts of a healthy ocean ecosystem. #shark #greatwhite #sharks #beauty #greatwhiteshark #deepwater #sharkspotting #charcharodon Our deep-water campaign around the Cabrera Archipelago National Park is part of the LIBERA Program – Todos por La Mar, and is supported by SEO Birdlife – ECOEMBES, the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, USFWS, NOAA, SOCIB. #proyectolibera of @seobirdlife with @ecoembes, @usfws @fbiodiversidad @oceancare_icare @noaa #SOCIB @ashokaspain @asociacion_ondine @seamusketeers Asociación Vertidos 0, KAI Marine, @5Gyres and Conselleria Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Pesca – GOIB Special thanks to @beat.vni for your photo skills!

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Alnitak (@alnitakmission) στις