Την καταδίωκε για χρόνια και τώρα κάνουν μαζί... αισθησιακή φωτογράφιση

Κολομβιανή αρχηγός καρτέλ ναρκωτικών μαζί με την αστυνομικό που την καταδίωκε για χρόνια φωτογραφήθηκαν μαζί σε αισθησιακές πόζες για το περιοδικό Soho σε μια περίεργη προσπάθεια να προωθήσουν την ειρήνη.

Οι δύο γυναίκες μετά από αρκετά χρόνια που βρίσκονταν στο αντίπαλο στρατόπεδο αποφάσισαν να κάνουν μαζί μια φωτογράφηση, επιχειρώντας να δώσουν ένα μήνυμα στους κατοίκους της χώρας να αφήσουν πίσω τους τις συγκρούσεις και τις αντιθέσεις, όπως αναφέρει η DailyMail.

Η Ana Pacheco πρώην μέλος της οργάνωσης Farc και επικεφαλής ενός καρτέλ ναρκωτικών και η Isabel Londono, πρώην αστυνομικός στη δίωξη του συγκεκριμένου καρτέλ, δέχτηκαν την πρόταση του περιοδικού και το αποτέλεσμα είναι ιδιαίτερα προκλητικό.






Pic shows: Ana and Isabel.nnA former drug cartel leader and ex-detective have posed naked together in a bizarre bid to promote peace.nnThe sexy pair, once sworn enemies in the ongoing drug wars in Columbia, agreed to pose in a special issue of controversial  magazine Soho.nnFormer guerrilla leader Ana Pacheco, a senior member of the feared Farc cartel is seen draped naked with her arms and legs over Isabel Londono kissing her tenderly on the cheek.nnStunning Isabel  who used to be a  detective from the state security department and is pictured  lying on her back in skimpy  black lingerie, was in charge of persecuting members of the infamous guerrilla army.nnBut the duo, who have quit their former careers,  agreed to come together to promote a peaceful message that all sides can live together.nnIsabel said:"At first I was surprised when they asked me to pose with hardly any clothes on with a guerrilla, but I liked the message and we in Colombia are so used to strong images, that we needed to do something shocking to reach the people and show them there is a way to peace."nnA sneak peak of the new cover was revealed on twitter by the ex-director of the magazine, Daniel Samper Ospina, with the title "Peace according to Soho."nnAna told local radio station ¿La W¿ that although she hesitated initially, she decided to accept Soho¿s proposal, "It¿s been very important for my life, the image is about being at peace, and what¿s more beautiful than two women from the opposite sides doing it.n"It¿s time to ask for forgiveness from those I hurt during my time as a guerrilla and I will do it no problem."nAna has also signed a contract as a catalogue model for popular department stores Falabellas.nnShe added: "My husband has been really supportive about this career path. Ever since I saw a television I knew that this was my dream, to model or act and finally it has come true."nThe cover, commissioned by current director Diego Garzon, has caused mixed reactions from social media users.nn One user commented "It¿s a good message, also it¿s just two attractive girls and little clothes.",nOthers congratulated the magazine on the peace initiative.  "This is the peace we want in Colombia"nnends)